This is a powerful, transformative journey of personal healing, ancestor work, karmic release, spiritual growth, and becoming of service. We come into balance with our true selves, our relationships, the earth, our work, and life purpose. Through ceremony and the creation of a personal mesa/medicine bag within a sacred group, students heal their woundedness: transforming traumas, losses, problems, and issues into sources of power. The personal mesa brings us into right relationship with Mother Earth and all the elements of Spirit.
The program includes three intensive four-day retreats scheduled six months apart. The dates listed under Mesa 1 are your first retreat. The other two retreats will be scheduled according to the needs of the group. The program also includes monthly checkin’s through video calls and/or local meetings, depending on the group needs. Then there’s the awesome group support through the Ayllu Messenger Chat, which keeps everyone connected between retreats. Welcome to your new family!