If you are thinking that there must be something more to life, or find yourself at a crossroads where life no longer makes sense, you have come to the right place! You belong here. Many people experience that longing for deeper meaning and joy in life. Answer that longing by taking a transformational journey with a tribe of like-minded people.
Begin your sacred journey with the Mesa Building Program, which unfolds through participation in three group retreats. The formation of an ayllu, or sacred group, supports each person to engage with experiences beyond their wildest dreams.
This is a powerful, transformative journey of personal healing, ancestor work, karmic release, spiritual growth, and becoming of service. We come into balance with our true selves, our relationships, the earth, our work, and life purpose. Through ceremony and the creation of a personal mesa/medicine bag within a sacred group, students heal their woundedness: transforming traumas, losses, problems, and issues into sources of power. The personal mesa brings us into right relationship with Mother Earth and all the elements of Spirit.
Here at Life Journey’s, we teach energy practices that not only release negative energies but also encourage the flow of positive energy into your life. By working on your most challenging issues and taking the necessary steps to improve your emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being, you effectively set in motion a series of events that will exceed your highest expectations. Learning to keep your energy field clear is the single most effective way to heal yourself, prevent disease, and improve your relationship to everyone and everything in your life.